1. This 36-hr program is granted by Center for Development of Teaching and Learning.
2. The goal is to help AED students to acquire a TOEIC socre of 700 at least so as to meet the graduation requirement.
3. Dates: Sep. 28~Dec. 1 (No class in the STUST midterm week.)
4. Time and Venue: Wed. 12:50~14:40/N307; Thur. 12:50~14:40/N309
5. Everyone is taking the TOEIC on Dec. 18, 2016. It's your responsibility to register for it yourself. http://www.toeic.com.tw/tests_info.jsp 
6. A deposit of NT$500 must be paid in the first class and will be returned when you present your receipt of TOEIC registration.
7. A survey about this program will be conducted toward the end.
8. A survey of your TOEIC score will be conducted once it's available (after Jan. 6, 2017).
1.  You must have this book for the CDs.

全新!黃金認證NEW TOEIC新多益聽力模擬試題 出版社:國際學村  出版日期:2016/05/20

2. Handouts of 全新!黃金認證NEW TOEIC新多益閱讀模擬試題出版社:國際學村 出版日期:2016/05/20
1. Basically we'll do Listening on Wed.s and Reading on Thurs.
2. Class will start with a vocabulary test on the mock test taken the week before. Then a mock test  is taken in class and followed by discussion.
3. A make-up class for 9/28 is scheduled for 11/9 (Wed.) from 12:50~14:40.
